Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1975. 224 p. Circulation 1800. Price 1 rub. 24 kopecks.
The monograph of Yu.P. Dementiev, a researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, is devoted to an important stage of France's colonial policy on the Indochina Peninsula. The author's attention to the colonial policy of imperialist powers at this "world crossroads", to the identification of political, strategic, and economic interests of states is justified, since in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries, colonial empires were formed, and the division of the world into spheres of influence was completed. During these years, the areas of domination of the colonial powers in Asia were clearly revealed and defined, which developed forms and methods of plundering the oppressed peoples who rose up to fight for freedom and independence.
The author aims to highlight the colonial expansion of France on the Indochina Peninsula and the consolidation of these seizures in the form of an Indochina Alliance. The chronological framework of the study is based on the study of colonial policy and the transformation of France into a Pacific power (pp. 16-17). In other publications, including the works of Vietnamese scholars who approach the study of this period in the history of their people from the standpoint of the struggle against foreign intervention, there is a different periodization. They identify 1858-1897 as the period of the loss of national independence and the subsequent period (1897-1918) as the time of the creation of the colonial administration 2. Yu. P. Dementyev proceeds from the desire to outline the stages of the colonial policy of France, and in this respect 1907 can be taken abroad, but if we proceed from the analysis of internal processes, taking place in different countries
1 See his earlier works: "France's Colonial Policy in China and Indochina (1844-1862)", Moscow, 1958; " France's Policy in Ca ...
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