The successful economic and social development of both the socialist community as a whole and its member countries, the strengthening of their ideological and political unity, the major achievements of their peace-loving policy aimed at defusing international tensions, the growing influence of the communist parties, on the one hand, and the serious defeats of the capitalist world, among which, first of all, we should mention the multilateral The crisis, which was most acute in the financial, monetary and energy spheres, the collapse of the military adventure of American imperialism in Vietnam, and the unprecedented devaluation of the social and political values of bourgeois society, on the other hand, make it immeasurably more difficult for bourgeois ideologists to both apologise for the capitalist system and "criticise" real socialism. It is not accidental that Western researchers complain about the fallacy of their theoretical ideas about the correlation of forces in the modern world1 and the recognition of the confident, stable development of the USSR in the 1970s2 .
The division of points of view within bourgeois ideology itself is most noticeable when discussing various aspects of detente. Seek to deepen detente, disarm and ban all types of weapons of mass destruction, or embark on a new round of the arms race; expand dialogue and cooperation with socialist countries or prevent this by returning to the adventurous models of the anti-Soviet foreign policy of the Cold War; seek a way out of the crisis situation created in capitalist society by understanding the deep-rooted problems of It is a dilemma faced by many bourgeois politicians and ideologues to see the cause of all the troubles of the Western world in the "machinations" of certain external forces.
From the point of view of solving this dilemma, an interview with the famous American historian and politician George Kennan, published in the September 1976 issue of the London magazine Encounter, which receiv ...
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