Who exclaims " Reign on your side!"?
Anna Akhmatova is the author of the discovery of the literary source "Tales of the Golden Cockerel", which turned out to be "The Legend of the Arab Astrologer" by Washington Irving. Comparing Pushkin's fairy tale with the source, Akhmatova notes:: "Irving's magic talismans don't talk (copper rooster, copper rider). Pushkin's golden cockerel makes fun of the tsar" (A. A. Akhmatova. About Pushkin, Moscow, 1989, P. 21). It means an exclamation: "Reign on your side!" The punctuation of the fairy tale text reproduced in all editions "attributes" this exclamation to the cockerel. I once heard on a radio program (which dealt with this fairy tale) the suggestion of a listener who called the studio that these were not the words of a cockerel, but an "author's comment" to his exclamation "Kiri-koo-koo". This thought struck me as very interesting. Maybe you can find confirmation of it by studying the punctuation of the fairy tale manuscript? Not being able to do such research, I decided to come up with this article and even make an arbitrary guess. A well-known entry in Pushkin's diary: "The censorship did not miss the following verses in my fairy tale about the golden cockerel: Reign on your side and The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, Good fellows lesson. Krasovsky's time has returned. Nikitenko is more stupid than Birukov" (Complete collected works in 10 vols. Vol. VIII. Moscow, 1949, p. 64). Wasn't attributing the exclamation to the cockerel a "trick" - hoping to get through the censorship barriers? (With the cockerel still not the same "demand" as with the author.) The trick didn't help, but the punctuation remained... My note, therefore, can be considered a "call" to refer to the manuscript of the Golden Cockerel...

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