It is generally recognized that the current state of Russian speech culture is rather alarming. Almost everyone agrees on this assessment: linguists, philologists, cultural figures, public figures, school teachers, and just readers and viewers of the mass media. At the same time, there is a great need for literature on speech culture in society. In this regard, one cannot but welcome the publication of the collective work of Saratov linguists, who have long and productively worked in the field of modern Russian stylistics, under the characteristic and mobilizing title " Good Speech "(Edited by M. A. Kormilitsyna and O. B. Sirotinna. Saratov State University Publishing House. 2001). It is dedicated to the bright memory of Professor Galina Georgievna Polishchuk , a tireless fighter for the purity and beauty of Russian speech. Although the book is certified as a scientific publication, in terms of its accessibility, the nature and quality of the issues discussed, and the rich illustrative material from modern speech practice, it is, in fact, aimed at the general reader. The tone of the entire book is set by the first chapter written by Professor O. B. Sirotinina, which presents in general, preliminary form, but sufficiently detailed the main criteria for good speech - compliance with the situation, expediency, consistency with the communication ethics adopted in this language team, reliance on modern language norms, the range of potentially acceptable or unacceptable deviations from the standard of speech. a generally accepted literary norm, depending on the type of speech. page 123 In order to describe more precisely what is called the culture of speech, it is legitimate and adequate to the current state of Russian speech culture to distinguish four types of it: elite, medium-literary, literary-colloquial and familiar-colloquial. Each of them is linked to indicators of the general culture of the speech author. At the same time, one cannot disagree with O. B. Sirotinin ... Read more

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