A real journey, dear Amazon, It starts before the floorboard creaks. I. Brodsky Closed on all sides from the outside world by a wall of high mountains, Tibet is still a mysterious country. For most of its history, it has been inaccessible to foreigners, not only because of the difficult passes, but also because of the difficult political situation in this part of China. In addition, they were afraid that overseas visitors would bring with them wars and destruction, a decline in morals and epidemics... A few brave souls managed to get on the roof of the world, and they brought with them stories of strange rituals, legends about powerful magicians who can cause hurricanes and earthquakes, about courageous people living in their own closed world. But time passes, and the situation changes. More and more scientists and diplomats, writers, artists and tourists visit this mountainous country. So we-a group of Moscow students of Oriental studies - were able to fulfill our long-standing dream. Our journey began in one of the stuffy Beijing evenings at the Western Railway Station of the Chinese capital. This is where the Lhasa train departs. The guides went through the cars, checked the tickets, and at the same time asked all passengers to sign a certificate stating that they understand what surprises can be presented by climbing to an altitude of 3000 m and above, and that risk takers will be responsible for their own lives and health. I must say that Lhasa-far from the highest place in Tibet-is located at an altitude of 3600 m above sea level, and staying at such an altitude is sensitive even for a healthy person. It was the morning of the second day, and we decided to pass it by by walking around the train cars. Interestingly, the train itself is heterogeneous in composition not only from a technical point of view: here and compartment cars, and reserved seats, and sitting, and passengers in it go very different. In the compartment cars, you will probably hear Eng ... Read more

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