To the 80th anniversary of the revolution of 1905-1907.
The problems that have been actively and fruitfully worked out in the last decade in connection with the history of the three Russian revolutions can undoubtedly be attributed to the history of political parties. Addressing such questions as the hegemony of the proletariat, the role of the Bolsheviks in creating and consolidating this hegemony, their struggle against right and" left " opportunism in the RSDLP, the political line towards non-Proletarian parties, the tactics of the "left bloc", and the activities of the Bolsheviks among the masses, among various social strata and groups, required a study of the history of the opponents of Bolshevism. A significant step forward in understanding the evolution of non-Proletarian parties, which led them to crisis and bankruptcy, was made as a result of three All-Union scientific symposia held at Kalinin University (1975, 1979, 1981) .1Despite the fact that the Kalinin symposia, as well as in some studies, focused on the collapse of non-Proletarian parties in 1917, a number of works reflected the formation and activities of these parties on the eve and during the first people's revolution of the early XX century. It is known that 1905-1907 was a turning point in the history of political parties in Russia. The open action of the broad working masses during these years radically changed the position of the parties and their place in the political life of the country. Suffice it to say that in the course of the revolution the Bolshevik Party, according to V. I. Lenin, changed from a union of underground circles to a party of millions of the proletariat .2 If before 1905, as Lenin emphasized in his assessment of neo-populism in 1909, it was "only a question of comparing doctrines and ideologies, of the politics of groups", then "now it is a question of comparing the historical activities of the classes and masses following this or related ideology"3 . By the time of the f ...
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