Towards the XXVII Congress of the CPSU
Questions of the development of Soviet socialist democracy, the laws and peculiarities of the functioning of the political system of the USSR at the present stage are among the cardinal problems of the theory and history of real socialism and are widely studied by social scientists .1 The XXVI Congress of the CPSU, the June (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and subsequent party documents are aimed at the need to study these problems. 2 Especially important is the serious elaboration of the theoretical problems of socialist self-government: the people, whose main content the party sees in ensuring the real, practical participation of the growing mass of working people in the development, discussion, adoption and implementation of socio-economic and political decisions.
The scientific and practical significance and relevance of studying these problems is determined primarily by the special role of socialist democracy, the constant deepening of which is a necessary condition and an obligatory prerequisite for the development of the socialist system. This pattern is especially evident in the conditions of mature socialism, when the restructuring of the entire set of social relations on the collectivist principles inherent in socialism is gradually being completed .3 Under socialism, democracy extends to all spheres of society and is an integral part of the economic and social systems. This article examines the development of Soviet socialist democracy in the political sphere .41 See: Kositsyn A. P., Cheharin E. M. Demokratiya Strany Sovetov [Democracy of the Country of Soviets], Moscow, 1972; Belykh A. K. Upravlenie i samoopravlenie [Management and Self-government]. Socialist management: the essence and prospects of development. L. 1972; Shakhnazarov G. H. Sotsialisticheskaya demokratiya [Socialist Democracy]. Some questions in the theory. Ed. 2-e, DOP. M. 1974; Modern problems of socialist democracy and the prosp ...
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