Russian emigration about N. V. Gogol
N. V. Gogol was one of the most attractive authors for Russian philologists and writers who found themselves in exile. Let's look at some of their articles that analyze the essential facets of his work. Philologist-Slavist Alexey Feodorovich Boehm in the article " Gogol's Overcoat and Dostoevsky's Poor People (On the Question of Gogol's Influence on Dostoevsky) "(Notes of the Russian Historical Society in Prague. 1927. Book 1) clarifies and details well-known statements about the proximity of these works of two classics of Russian literature. In his opinion, Dostoevsky does not imitate Gogol, but rather argues with him, finding at the same time, thanks to the "Overcoat", certain plot moves, portrait lines or features of his style. Dostoevsky was accused of making Poor People look like Gogol. Boehm gives many examples of similar descriptions. "Dostoevsky in his youth fell under the influence of Gogol, "he writes, but as his spiritual growth progressed," he inevitably had to face Gogol and find himself in a struggle with him. This struggle was primarily to be reflected in his work. Gogol helped Dostoevsky overcome the sentimental-romantic stream of his initial work "(p. 8). "On the way to realizing his true genre," Boehm believes, " Dostoevsky had to reckon with his great predecessor and teacher. Overcoming Gogol is the first stage in the development of Dostoevsky's work" (p. 9). What is the essence of the dispute? The author notes that " Gogol did not raise his belittled hero, for a moment resurrecting him with a new overcoat, and yet page 16 more humiliated, trampled on him. There was something cruel about Gogol's plan itself. Dostoevsky contrasted this idea with his own and immediately "humanized" and spiritualized it... Varenka Dobroselova was supposed to appear instead of the "greatcoat". And then the little man will speak in other words" (p. 10). Moreover, in" Poor People "Makar Devushkin reads Gogol's novel "The Overcoat", which he says is a "malicious book" an ... Read more

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Russian emigration about N. V. Gogol

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