Latin "root" in the Russian vegetable garden
From the Latin word - "root" - many words trace their pedigree - this is a radical - "sign of the root in mathematics", as well as" a person of radical views", and radical - "decisive, root", and sciatica - "inflammation of the nerve roots", and others. In the garden, this Latin word "sprouted" in the names of two plants at once - radish and radish, and not only in Russian, but also in many European languages, for example, the names of radish: radish-English, Rettich-German, gros radis-French, ridikas-Lithuanian, ruths-Latvian, retikka - Finnish, ridiche - Romanian, Czech, - Slovenian, - Slovak, rzodkiewka-Polish, - Serbo-Croatian, radzka-Belarusian, radish-Ukrainian; and radish radish - English, Radies-German, radis-French, radiche - Romanian, - Latvian, ridikeliai - Lithuanian, retiisi - Finnish, - Czech, red'kovka - Slovak, rzodkiewka-Polish, - Serbo-Croatian, radiska - Belarusian, radish - Ukrainian. In all these words, the relationship with the Latin root is quite obvious. But the Latin name of the radish itself ( as well as radish) - raphanus sativus-has been preserved only in some Romance languages: rafano-Italian, rabano - Spanish, Portuguese. For the name of radish in these languages, the forms of the deminutive formed using suffixes with the meaning of a diminutive from the name of radish in this language are used: - Italian, rabano/rabanillo - Spanish, - Portuguese. In the same way - through the form of a deminutive - the name of radish was formed in some Slavic languages, for example: rzodkiew/rzodkiewka-Polish, - Czech, - Slovak, - Serbo-Croatian. The Latin radix became a Russian radish through the German language, from which this name was borrowed, which is confirmed by all etymological dictionaries.: "You will borrow, from German. It has been celebrated in monuments since the 14th century. Drevnenem. Redik, Retih (from Lat. - "root") in Russian is designed on the model of the words zh. r. na-A, related to the names of vegetables (rutabaga, cabbage- pa ... Read more

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Latin "root" in the Russian vegetable garden

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