II. Family Using a metaphor, a person has the opportunity to present some complex concept as relatively simple, new - as well-known, abstract-as concrete. The dynamics of metaphorical models is an important indicator of changes in national consciousness. The metaphorical model of Russia as a family has long been used in Russian political speech. In accordance with the Russian tradition, relations between the state and citizens, between the leader of the country (the tsar, general secretary, president, etc.) and the people, between social forces, between regions and other subjects of political activity can be conceptually represented as relations in a family whose members feel a blood connection and emotional attachment to each other. where the younger ones must show respect to their elders, and the head of the family can, if necessary, punish the unwise. At the same time, almost any family can experience contradictions, mutual resentment and misunderstanding. Family relations are regulated not so much by laws as by traditional ideas about how relatives should act in certain situations. All members of the family are "friends", and if necessary, they should jointly resist "strangers"; in accordance with family ethics, one should stand up for "one's own" regardless of whether one is right or wrong, and certainly not thinking about material or other benefits. The metaphor of kinship was widely used in the political speech of the Russian Empire (Russia-mother, Moscow-mother, tsar-father, empress-mother, respectively, subjects are children, "beloved children", all Slavs are brothers, Orthodox peoples are also brothers). In the Soviet era, the model under consideration was brought into line with new ideological needs. Thus, the place of brothers in faith and blood (Orthodox and Slavic peoples) was taken by " brothers in class "(proletarians of all countries) and ideology. At the same time, the concept of VNU kinship relationships was also updated- page 44 three states: for ... Read more

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