On a boring topic about the verbs put on and put on
A well-known literary scholar (now deceased) came up with such a humorous rhyme: You can't wear clothes, You can't wear Hope. You can wear Nadezhda, You can wear clothes. A comprehensive "guide" to the use of these two insidious verbs! But using put on instead of put on seems to be invincible! It seems that no manual on speech culture can do without pointing out this error. And some rather cultured native speakers of the literary language also speak this way. The question may arise: shouldn't such usage be treated more leniently? We know that norms are changing. Is a new norm emerging? You can cite the facts in favor of this opinion. There is a verb to change clothes, but there is no verb to change clothes. Therefore, you can change not only the child, but also a dress or shoes. It does not have a parallel formation with the prefix on - and the verb to put on shoes, so you can put on both a person and boots. Maybe the verb dress follows the path of these verbs? However, while the traditional norm requires distinguishing between the use of the verbs to put on and to put on, it is necessary, at least, to faithfully reproduce the texts of authors who adhere to this norm. Surprisingly, this elementary requirement is not always met. Here are two sad incidents. In Voprosy Literatury (Voprosy Literatury) (1996, No. 3), E. G. Babaev's posthumous essay "Shamrock" is published - about the idea of an anthology of Russian poetry. The essay includes cycles of three poems by F. Sologub, A. Fet, M. Kuzmin, M. Tsvetaeva. The last author's" Shamrock " includes the following line:" I will put a silver cross on my chest... " (p.317). page 42 It can't be, because it can never be, I decided. It would have been possible not to check, but I still checked and made sure that Tsvetaeva is not responsible for what was published in a reputable magazine. E. Babayev is also innocent: "Shamrock" is published in his " Memoirs "(St. Petersburg, 2000), and on page 31, of course, it is printed: ... Read more

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On a boring topic about the verbs put on and put on

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