I. Y. TRIFONOV. Classes and class struggle in the U.S.S.R. at the beginning of the NEP. Part I. The Struggle against the armed Kulak Counter-Revolution. L. LSU Publishing House, 1964, 311 p. The print run is 2,140. Price 1 rub. 46 kopecks. Part II. Preparation of an economic offensive against the new bourgeoisie. LSU Publishing House, 1969, 288 p. The print run is 2730. Price 1 rub. 20 kopecks.
The monograph under consideration consists of two parts and differs from other studies on similar problems1 (including the works of the author himself - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Leningrad State University I. Ya. Trifonov 2) in two significant points. First, the author focused only on the reconstruction period (1921-1925), and if his earlier book covered the time from 1921 to 1937, now the chronological framework has significantly narrowed, which provided greater purposefulness and depth in the analysis of events. Secondly, while other works cover either one of the sections (city or village) of the class struggle, or one of its forms, the work in question seeks to cover the entire front of this struggle. But, despite this, the author still did not manage to completely overcome the well-known disunity between the first and second parts of the monograph.
The research is rich in factual and digital material, which is often published for the first time. The first part deals broadly with the history of the fight against Kulak banditry. The author shows that, on the one hand, the increased fluctuations of the petty-bourgeois masses, caused by
1 See, for example, V. P. Pogorelsky. The policy of the CPSU in relation to private capital in industry and trade of the USSR. 1917-1927. Moscow, 1960; Yu. S. Kukushkin. Village Soviets and the Class Struggle in the countryside (1921-1932). Moscow, 1968, et al.
2 See I. Y. Trifonov. Essays on the History of the Class Struggle in the USSR during the NEP Years (1921-1937), Moscow, 1960; V. I. Lenin and the Ideological Struggle ...
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