3. Behind the scenes At the beginning of 1919, the bellicose circles of the Entente and the revanchists of Germany, the White Guards and the ruling elite of the nationalist bourgeoisie of Finland and the Baltic States were engaged in preparing the campaign on Red Peter. The leading role in this reactionary alliance belonged to the Western imperialists. The governments of the United States, Britain and France officially declared their "non-interference" in Russian affairs and refused to send their troops to Russia, and US President W. Wilson, with the consent of D. Lloyd George, even sent a W. Bullitt mission to Moscow in February 1919 to probe the political basis of negotiations with Soviet Russia. However, this mission ended in the fact that V. I. Lenin's constructive response to the Anglo-American proposals on the conditions for the cessation of hostilities in Russia, which was brought to Paris, was never discussed at the Paris Peace Conference. The fact is that by the time Bullitt returned from Moscow in March 1919, the situation on the fronts in Russia had changed compared to January. Kolchak was advancing on the Eastern Front. On March 26, at Ust-Kovzh, he even managed to link up for a while with Miller's White Guard army advancing from the North. The situation on the anti-Soviet front was thus, as it seemed to the Entente, encouraging, and the imperialists hastily put aside the mask of" peacemakers " and preferred the bayonet to diplomacy. Wilson could now afford not to accept Bullitt and forbade the publication of the draft agreement he had brought, and Lloyd George could easily declare in the British Parliament that he "did not conduct any negotiations at all" with the Soviet government. 1 Meanwhile, the imperialists, secretly from their peoples, carried out not only the supply of the White armies, but also the organization of their military operations. The former Russian ambassador to France, V. Maklakov, had reason to write from Paris on March 6, 1919, to ... Read more

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