An absolute monarchy is built on the will of one person. Sic volo, sic jubeo. Tel est mOn bon plaisir (1*). One rules, the others obey. The will of the autocrat may even diverge from the will of the nation. Today, there is still a vestige of absolute monarchy, such as the right of veto held by the constitutional monarch. The legal explanation of this social order involves motivations from the field of transcendental metaphysics. The logical foundation of any monarchy is based on the appeal to God. God descends from heaven and becomes the support and bulwark of the monarchical stronghold (der monarchischen Zwingburg). The state-legal basis of the monarchy is God's grace, and therefore the monarchical system, supported by an element that rises above the world, looks as unchangeable and eternal, as something that is not subject to either human law or human will. Only God can legally abolish the monarchy, but God's will is incomprehensible. In theory, the principle of monarchy is opposed to its opposite - the principle of democracy, which rejects innate rights, as well as a compromise option - a combination of innate and acquired rights, equalizes all citizens before the law, and provides everyone with the opportunity to climb to the very top of the social ladder in abstracto. By opening the way for all, this principle discards ancestral privileges and gives crucial importance to the abilities and personal efforts of individuals in the struggle for primacy. If the principle of monarchy makes all people dependent on one individual (the monarch), and if for this reason even the best monarchical government cannot give the people any guarantees that it will ensure successful, reasonable and technically effective governance, 1 then in a democracy all the people share responsibility for the prevailing order of which they are the creator. Meanwhile, in the life of societies, both of these theoretical principles of building state power are quite elastic and often combine, "car ... Read more

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