Crocodile in F. M. Dostoevsky's" Crocodile "
About the semantic meanings of an image-symbol At its core, the image of a crocodile is an image-symbol, multi-layered, multifunctional, "bristling" with different meanings, which you need to find out. First, we will write out a number of values attached to it in the text. The crocodile is an animal with a habitat in Egypt. A crocodile is a foreigner in Russia. It is the capital of the German crocodile farmer, private property that embodies the economic principle in the bourgeois world. Crocodile-prison. Finally, a crocodile retort for the experiment. Crocodile is a Western idea, the personification of European civilization. At the same time, the meanings that lie on the surface are complicated by their deeper meanings. In addition, nominative subject functions carry the burden of values of spatial geographical features. All this will be the subject of our analysis. The hero of the story also seeks to find out the etymological roots of the word crocodile: "Crocodillo, - there is a word, obviously, Italian, modern, perhaps, to the ancient pharaohs of Egypt and, obviously, derived from the French root: croquer, which means to eat, eat and generally eat" (Dostoevsky F. M. Poly. collected works: In 30 vols. l., 1973. Vol. 5. p. 196; further-only p.). Leaving aside the irony of the author's interpretation, we point out two obvious signs that reveal the synchronous connection of the subject and the word that means it with two spaces-the modern and ancient world, Russia and Europe. The image of the crocodile, therefore, serves as a "bridge" between the past and the present, history and modernity, East and West. The ancient world reveals its realities in the verbal formula of the "Pharaohs of Egypt", which immediately leads back to the centuries BC. In the Gospel of Matthew, the story of Jonah, as a punishment for disobedience, was caught in the belly of a fish. The event took place in the Mediterranean Sea. Let us listen to the comments of Archimandrite Michael, a 19th-cen ... Read more

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Crocodile in F. M. Dostoevsky's" Crocodile "

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