Bury your talent in the ground
The expression originated from the gospel parable about how a rich man, leaving, left money to his slaves: one-five talents (talent is a large monetary unit of that time), another - two talents, the third - one talent. The slaves who received five and two talents lent them at interest, and the one who received one talent buried it in the ground. When the master returned, he demanded a report from the slaves. Those who gave the money at usury returned it to the owner with interest. And the one who received one talent said that he buried it in the ground, which brought upon himself a strong anger of the owner. The word "talent" (Greek: talanton), which originally meant a coin of great value, gradually became synonymous with outstanding abilities in any field, and the expression "bury talent in the ground" began to be used in the meaning: do not care about the development of talent, abilities, let them stall. Moloch. Sacrifice to Moloch In the mythology of the ancient Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Israelites, etc. Moloch is the god of the sun, fire and water, to whom human sacrifices were made. These expressions are used as a symbol of a cruel, inexorable force that requires many human sacrifices.

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Bury your talent in the ground

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