The article analyzes China's strategy for attracting foreign direct investment( FDI), using the strategy concept based on the strategy map model of R. Kaplan and D. Norton. The favorable investment climate is considered as the driving force of FDI inflows and the core of the strategy. To assess the degree of achievement of strategic goals, a number of indicators calculated by international organizations and consulting companies are used. The composite index of favorable investment climate in China is calculated on the basis of these indicators. This index was 8.02 on a ten-point scale. Such components as the size of the domestic market, an attractive ratio of labor qualifications and labor costs, and a wide geographical protection of FDI through bilateral investment agreements made a decisive contribution to the high favorability of the investment climate. Keywords: FDI inflows (foreign direct investment), strategy, investment climate, strategic goals, key indicators. CHINA: FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ATTRACTING STRATEGY In the article China s strategy for attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) is analyzed. The author uses the concept of strategy, based on the model of strategy map by Robert Kaplan and David Norton. Favorable investment climate is considered as a driving force of FDI inflows and the core of strategy. To evaluate the achievement of strategic objectives a number of indicators produced by international organizations and consulting companies was chosen. Composite index of favor ability of investment climate in China is calculated on the base of indicators in question. This index is 8.02 out of 10. Such components as the size of the domestic market, an attractive balance of work force skills and costs for wages, a wide geography of FDI protection through bilateral investment agreements made a decisive contribution to the highly favorable investment climate. Keywords: FDI, strategy, investment climate, strategic objectives, key performance indicators. ... Read more

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Beijing, China
07.12.2024 (69 days ago)
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