On December 24, 2010, on the eve of his 80th birthday, the chief researcher of the Department of Korea and Mongolia of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Boris Dmitrievich Pak passed away.
The news of my teacher's untimely death caught me in Beijing. The day before, we remembered Boris Dmitrievich with our Beijing colleagues, historians. It was very pleasant that teachers are known and respected by foreign researchers. I told him that I recently visited Boris Dmitrievich, he shared his scientific plans, and presented me with recently published monographs. We were going to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the scientist. And the next day this sad news came.
Exactly twenty years ago, in February 1991, I crossed the threshold of the Department of World History of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute-I was looking for a supervisor for my future work on relations between Russia and the countries of the East.
At that time, my future teacher was already a well-known scientist, he had just celebrated his anniversary. A. S. Guzin, a student and colleague of Boris Dmitrievich, wrote:: "Boris Dmitrievich Pak, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General History of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute, celebrated his 60th birthday as a recognized scientist. His name as an Orientalist historian occupies a worthy place in Soviet historiography along with well-known researchers of Russia's Far Eastern policy." Pak was one of the first orientalists in Siberia - doctors of historical sciences, the author of a monograph.-
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graphs and publications in metropolitan scientific journals. In 1992, B. D. Pak was even awarded the Order of Friendship.
Boris Dmitrievich Pak was born on January 4, 1931 in the Far East of the Soviet Union in the family of a worker. In 1937, his family survived the deportation of the Korean population to Kazakhst ...
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