Moscow: Institute of Economic Strategies, 2006, 656 p.
Against the background of complex processes that accompany the formation of the system of modern international relations and determine the parameters of structuring the future world order, expert research devoted to the analysis of underlying trends, forecasting the situation for the coming decades, can attract the attention of specialists (and often a wider range of readers) by definition. At the same time, aspects of the problem associated with such a universally recognized factor of recent world development as the objective rise of China often and quite rightly arouse increased interest. However, such research and forecasts become particularly important when their final objectives are closely linked to the prospects for developing a course that would best correspond to the effective provision of future-oriented national interests of the Russian Federation.
Among the works with such a goal setting is the peer-reviewed monograph of the Academy of Sciences. RAS M. L. Titarenko and chl. - correspondent. B. N. Kuzyka of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the preparation of which the most active part was taken by the staff of their teams - the Institute of the Far East (IDV) and the Institute of Economic Strategies (IES) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The conceptual leitmotif of the work seems to be outlined by the authors already in the preface, which emphasizes that China and Russia, as strategic partners that solve similar problems in the context of globalization and common challenges, "can only develop and deepen good-neighborliness, friendship, and strategic interaction" and "confidently move along the path of co-development" (p.6).
Before considering the main provisions of the study, it is appropriate to make a reservation that its methodological basis is not traditional. An extraordinary fusion of scientific author's experience made it possible to present a book to the reader, where the actual politica ...
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