Ukrainian nationalist organizations during the Second World War: documents: in 2 volumes
Ukrainian Nationalist Organizations during the Second World War: Documents: in 2 volumes-Vol. 1: 1939-1943 / Ed. by A. N. Artizov. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 2012, 878 p.; Vol. 2: 1944-1945 / Ed. by A. N. Artizov. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 2012, 1167 p. (in Russian) Ukrainian Nationalist Organizations during the Second World War: documents: in 2 volumes-Vol. 1: 1939-1943 / ed. by A.M. Artizov. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 2012, 878 p.; Vol. 2: 1944-1945 / Edited by A.M. Artizov. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 2012, 1167 p. (in Russian) Presentations of the fundamental two-volume scientific documentary were held on June 22, 2012 in Moscow, and then, on September 26, in Kiev. This is, in fact, the first Russian nonfiction publication of an academic nature, aimed at providing a comprehensive and comprehensive coverage of the genesis, ideology, strategy and tactics, leading areas of activity, and the place in international relations of the Ukrainian nationalist movement (primarily the OUN revolutionary or OUN(b)), and its armed formations in the language of documents of various origins first of all, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The scientific and organizational level of the publication certifies the identity of the chairman of the editorial board of the two-volume book, - Head of the Federal Archival Agency of Russia, Doctor of Historical Sciences A. Artizov. Actually, the idea of preparing such a collection originated in the Central State Archive of Public Associations of Ukraine (CSAGO of Ukraine) back in 2003, the archive, together with the publishing house "Chronicle of the UPA" (Toronto, Canada), published five volumes of policy and information materials of the Central Committee of the CP (b) u, regional committees of the Communist Party, NKVD-MVD, MGB-KGB of the Ukrainian SSR, which included about 700 documents for 1943-1959. Most of them for the first time and in sufficient detail reveal the role and place of the party-state and repressive-punitive bodies of the republic in suppress ... Read more

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Ukrainian nationalist organizations during the Second World War: documents: in 2 volumes

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