To the 60th anniversary of Great October.
The Soviet working class in the conditions of developed socialism is the leading socio-political and economic force of society, cementing the alliance of workers, peasants and intellectuals. The work of the heroic working class is at the heart of the country's power and prosperity, and its ideology - Marxism-Leninism - "serves as the guiding star of our movement to the heights of social progress"1 .The working class, associated with the ownership of the whole people, with those branches of the national economy in which the highest level of complex mechanization and automation has been achieved, is a model of idealism, organization, cohesion, discipline, and inexhaustible energy. New forms of labor organization and participation in social and political life are constantly being born in the ranks of the working class. As in the previous stages of socialist construction, it initiates the most important patriotic initiatives, new forms of mass socialist competition. The labor and political activism of the working class, its innovation and initiative serve as an inspiring example for all workers, and have a decisive impact on all aspects of society.
These characteristic features of the Soviet worker were especially clearly defined during the period of developed socialism, the fact of which the construction in our country is recorded in the draft of the new Constitution of the USSR. Mature socialism is an integral system of social relations and relations and implies not only rapid growth of production, but also comprehensive development of the people themselves. The new stage of economic development is closely connected with the implementation of the scientific and technological revolution, with the task of fully accelerating scientific and technological progress. At the same time, in a society of mature socialism, there is a comprehensive development of spiritual life, ideological prerequisites are being created for the victory o ...
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