On March 5-6, 2003, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the annual scientific conference on problems and trends in the development of Southeast Asia, organized by the Institute's Southeast Asia Division. Employees of academic institutes and higher educational institutions of Moscow, employees of practical organizations participated in its work. The conference was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of G. I. Levinson (1918-1988), who was one of the founders of the direction of Southeast Asian studies in Russian Oriental studies.
In the opening speech of the Deputy. A. Z. Yegorin, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted the major contribution of G. I. Levinson to the development of research on Southeast Asia and positively assessed the experience of the Southeast Asian Division in holding annual scientific conferences. He stressed that the current conference is also devoted to topical issues of both regional and global nature.
Yu. O. Levtonova (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) described G. I. Levinson as a major Oriental scholar and a bright and extraordinary personality. In the mid-1950s, the Department of Southeast Asia was formed in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which marked the beginning of the systematic development of a new branch of Oriental science. G. I. Levinson played an important role in the development of this direction. Without holding official administrative positions, he became an informal scientific leader who created an atmosphere of creativity and scientific research. At the same time, he was extremely demanding of the work of his junior colleagues, evaluating any research from the point of view of
(c) 2003
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high level of professionalism. His research interests were extensive. It is no coincidence that Georgy Ilyich led and was one of the leading authors of collective g ...
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