Sonia Gandhi Keywords:, INC, Nehru-Gandhi dynasty E. S. YURLOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences Sonia Gandhi is the president of the country's most influential and oldest party, the Indian National Congress (INC). The party, founded 125 years ago, led India to independence in 1947 and has been in power intermittently for about 45 years since. It was headed by members of the Nehru-Gandhi family who became prime Ministers of the country, outstanding world leaders Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi's life-private and public-is a story of personal tragedies and social success. This is the story of the murder almost before her eyes of a close friend and friend, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and the death of her husband, Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. This is a new story of the ascent to the heights of political power. This is a unique story of how a modest Italian girl, extremely far from any politics, especially from such a subtle and sophisticated, almost inaccessible and elusive for an outsider observer, became a major Indian politician. She has been the head of the INC (Congress) for 12 years, which was experiencing a political crisis in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Under her leadership, the Congress became the ruling party again in 2004. Sonia Gandhi's political rise is also the story of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty's return to power. SONIA DISCOVERS INDIA Sonja Maino (full name - Edvige Antonia Albina Maino) was born on December 9, 1946 in a Catholic family in Italy, in the village of Orbassano, near Turin. Her father, Stefano, was a construction contractor who owned a small business. Mother Paola raised three daughters, the eldest of them was Sonya. In 1965, she went to study English at the University of Cambridge. There, a year later, she met the son of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Rajiv, who was studying to be an engineer. Young people fell in love with each other. According to Sonya, it was love at first sight. So did Rajiv. However, Sonya's ... Read more

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