Soviet historians have made remarkable progress in studying a number of problems of the recent history of Romania. They introduced a lot of new documentary materials and created a number of serious works. In 1963-1965, monographs were published on the most important problems of the country's recent history1, a collection of articles "New and Modern History of Romania"2 was published, the generalizing work "History of Modern and Modern Romania"3 was completed, and articles were published in scientific journals on a wide range of issues. Since the aspects of the issues raised in all these works are very diverse, the purpose of this review is to consider one of them - the range of problems of the revolutionary struggle in Romania in 1918-1941. The review is based on the "History of Modern and Contemporary Romania" 4, which, in our view, is the most important and revealing publication for the current stage of development of Soviet studies of the modern history of the Romanian people. The Great October Socialist Revolution had a huge impact on the rise of the Romanian revolutionary movement in 1918-1921 and its further development in the 20s and 40s. Naturally, Soviet historians have been very interested in this problem, which is connected with the revolutionary struggle of the Romanian workers during the October Revolution and in defense of its conquests. In the " History of Romania new and new- 1 See A. A. Shevyakov. Economic and military-political aggression of German imperialism in Romania (1936-1941). Chisinau. 1963; A. A. Yazkova. Romania on the eve of World War II. 1934-1939 Moscow, 1963; N. I. Lebedev, E. D. Karpeshchenko. History of the Romanian People's Republic. (Short essay), Moscow, 1964, et al. 2 "New and recent history of Romania". Collection of articles, Moscow, 1963. 3 V. N. Vinogradov, E. D. Karpeshchenko, N. I. Lebedev, and A. A. Yazkova. History of Romania of the new and modern times, Moscow, 1964. 4 Further references to the relevan ... Read more

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