The article does not aim to review the entire range of socio-economic activities carried out in Vietnam in the period 1976-1986, i.e., in the first decade after the country's reunification. It traces only one, but it seems to be the most important aspect of the economic policy of the Vietnamese leadership in those years: the process of developing a concept of transformation and economic construction in a reunified Vietnam, which, in essence, covers 1976-1986.
On May 15, 1975, a solemn rally was held in Hanoi to celebrate the Victory Day-the liberation of South Vietnam. Speaking at the rally, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers ' Party of Vietnam (PTV) Le Duan not only gave a comprehensive assessment of the victory won, but also touched upon the challenges facing the Vietnamese people in the North and South of the country: "Let the people of the North strengthen socialist construction. Let our compatriots in the South fight in close unity for building a truly national democratic system in South Vietnam, a prosperous national economy based on democratic principles, and a progressive national culture distinguished by spiritual health and democracy " [Nhan Dan, 16.05.1975; Essays..., 1977, p. 469].
The question of the timing of the reunification of the country, Le Zouan did not touch at all. Moreover, in the summer of 1975, measures were implemented to emphasize the independence of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam. At the initiative of the DRW, it was recognized by a number of States that did not do so earlier, in the year of the creation of this government. The ceremony of presentation of credentials by ambassadors to the RYW was held. It should be noted that it did not take place in Saigon, but near the demarcation line, in the city of Quang Chi, and the ambassadors were appointed "part-time" at the request of the Vietnamese side, i.e. they were already in Hanoi. The demarcation line along the 17th parallel ...
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