Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1976. 168 p. Circulation 2000. Price 92 kopecks.
The mid-1970s in the development of international relations was marked by the resolution of one of the most complex and protracted international problems, which for three post-war decades was the conflict in Indochina. After the collapse of American aggression in 1973, the situation in Indochina is characterized by a general profound shift towards socialist, progressive and democratic transformation in Vietnam, Laos and Democratic Kampuchea. The peoples of the three Indochina states have begun to build a new life? eliminating the consequences of war, strengthening the national economy and people's authorities.
Now that the Indochina conflict has become a thing of the past, historians are faced with the task of analyzing the course of the struggle of the peoples of Indochina for national independence during the two Indochina wars (1946-1954 and 1961-1973), exploring the international aspects of the Indochina conflict and its place in the system of international relations of that period. Much has already been done in this regard. The Soviet Union published a number of works dealing with various aspects of the Indochina conflict .1In the monograph of the researcher In-
1 See, for example: "International Relations after World War II". Vols. 1-3. Moscow, 1962, 1963, 1965; G. G. Kadymov. The Road to Independence (anti-imperialist struggle of the peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. 1945-1965). Moscow, 1966; A. A. Lavrishchev. Indochina Issue after the Second World War, Moscow, 1960; S. A. Mkhitaryan. The struggle of the Vietnamese people for National Independence, Democracy and Peace (1945-1955). Moscow, 1957.
page 169
The article examines the evolution of French policy in Indochina over the past thirty years in accordance with the Statute of the World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences P. P. Cherkasov. So far, there have be ...
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