Proper names in the lexical system of any language, in particular Russian, form a special, unique group with its inherent system-forming factors, as well as patterns of development and functioning in different historical periods. There is no doubt that proper names bear the main burden in the implementation of the socio-cultural function of the language, since the names most clearly show the national and linguistic specifics of any nation.
Describing the systematic nature of onomastic vocabulary, researchers cannot fail to note rather vague hierarchical relationships between categories that are not subject to clear and unambiguous structuring. Nevertheless, the systematic nature of the onomasticon is obvious, and a systematic approach to studying all categories of proper names has become a priority in onomastics.
The modern science of names is the result of a long-term purposeful cultural and linguistic activity of people, so it is necessary to consider the system of onomastic vocabulary only in the process of its development and change, taking into account extralinguistic factors. Of course, a detailed analysis of the relationships between not only the categories of names, but also the various relationships between anthroponyms, toponyms, zoonyms, and other onyms (names) is necessary, as well as the relationships between proper names and appellatives. It is precisely the complex nature of the object of onomastic research that determines the introduction of the rather controversial terms onomastic space and onomastic field. Of course, it should be emphasized that such terms and concepts that they denote must necessarily be correlated with a certain era, that is, that time period.-
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the zoom level described by the researcher. In addition, the volume of onomastic vocabulary studied requires specification. Of course, to consider, for example, the onomastics of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", despite its considerable fullness, is realistic, but to describe t ...
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