In a developed document flow, one of the signs of the established norm of the document language can be considered the appearance of a stable name for a certain type of text. The document name is formed and used as a means to separate a certain type of business text for its rational functioning. It is known that the information in the document should be comprehensive, easy to understand and remember. The same condition applies even more strongly to the document name. A well-chosen title is like a minimal abstract of the text itself, reflecting and summarizing in a short formulation the most essential aspects of the content. Before reading the text in detail and detail, its name allows you to evaluate the idea of the document as a whole and avoid mistakes in the direction of its meaning. At the same time, the document name makes it possible to mention the existence or presence of this business text in another document or case. It is to mention the document, refer to it, and not reproduce it in its entirety, as it was, for example, in the practice of the Russian chancellery of the 1st half of the XIX century. Before the General Regulations of 1720, there were no or no regulations on naming documents, and we are forced to talk about the existence of self-names of documents for almost six centuries. Self-naming was the most important element of the document, and one of the defining features of its style is the extraction of the leading concepts of the content and formative parts of the document from the text. By using a specific title, the author tried to present the case as objectively as possible. The document name is based on key words of the text, mainly verbs, and forms a close semantic connection with them; in document names, the verb vocabulary is transformed into a nominal one. The following syntax is also formed around keywords: most regular- page 71 lar constructions and structures. Keywords in document titles define the key concepts of business life of a certa ... Read more

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