N. IRIBADZHAKOV. Клио пред съда на буржоазната философия. Към критиката на съвременната идеалистически философия на историята. Sofia. Izd. na BKP. 1970. 815 pp.
The monograph of Professor N. Iribadzhakov, Head of the Department of History of Philosophy at Sofia University, is devoted to an actual scientific problem of interest to both philosophers and historians. The author has set himself the task of subjecting the main concepts of modern bourgeois philosophy of history to a detailed critique. N. Iribadzhakov's indisputable merit is that he gives a concrete analysis of the views of bourgeois theorists and schools, reveals the differences between these views and proves their inconsistency.
The book critically examines the views of bourgeois philosophers and historians W. Windelband, H. Rickert, L. Wiese, T. Parsons, J. Maritain, B. Croce, R. Collingwood and others. on the correlation of philosophy, history and sociology. The author managed to convincingly show that the modern bourgeois philosophy of history is a product of the crisis of capitalist society. He examines in detail the so-called "method of understanding" put forward by W. Dilthey and developed by R. Collingwood, K. Popper and some other reactionary philosophers, convincingly showing the anti-scientific and irrationalist nature of their views. The author analyzes in detail the subjective-idealistic views of K. Becker, T. Parsons, A. Toynbee and others, the objective-idealistic interpretations of B. Croce, as well as various versions of these theories that are far from true science. The concepts of V. Dilthey, V. Windelband and H. Rickert, which oppose history as an "idiographic" (descriptive) discipline to "nomothetic" (theoretical, generalizing) sciences, are argumentatively criticized. N. Iribadzhakov convincingly shows, in particular,that they are based on ignoring the dialectic of the relationship between logical and historical.
One of the subjects of research in the monograph is the philosophical pr ...
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