Many names of the Lipetsk Region are based on geographical terms that make up a group of words that are easier to translate into proper names than others.
One of them is the plan/plan. It is interesting not only in itself, but also from the point of view of dialect polysemy, synonymy, and communicative relevance.
The meaning of the word plan / plant, which will be described later, is not given either in the materials of F. N. Milkov " Typology of tracts and local geographical terms of the Chernozem Center "(Scientific Notes of the Voronezh Department of the Geographical Society of the USSR. Voronezh, 1970. Vol. 2), nor in the" Dictionary of Folk Geographical Terms " by E. M. Murzaev (Moscow, 1984), where there is no article about the plan/plante at all, nor are they mapped in the "Dialectological Atlas of the Russian Language" (Dialectological Atlas of the Russian language. Center of the European part of the USSR. Syntax. Leksika, Moscow, 1996, 1998, Part III).
The most common meaning of the word plan / plan in the studied dialects can be considered "street in the village": "Medichka in our Plantu is like a street in your way, in Moscow". Such semantics are recorded even in the "Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language" with the mark region (Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language, Moscow-L., 1959, vol. 9).
The word plan / plan is never used singly in dialects to refer to the specified subject. It is always included in a synonym series, for example, street-order-end-plan/plan.
Rows and orders appeared in the 15th century in the Novgorod land as the smallest units of zoning: order - "a row of houses built in a line and facing a river, lake, ravine, road "(Murzaev. Edict. op.). Ends were originally referred to as outlying parts of the city, district, region, village (Ibid.), and the word street - "passage, passage between rows of houses in a locality", which from the very beginning was created-
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It was used on a vast Russian territory (For the hist ...
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