From the history of the term patronymic
Perhaps our young people will soon forget what patronymics mean in Russian, because they are used only in purely official situations or when addressing an official person, and then only because we do not have a generally accepted address to a man or woman today ( Mr. and mrs. are still unusual, sir and madam do not take root). Almost the entire Russian press has taken up a kind of "democratization" of traditional Russian naming, as they say, regardless of the age and social status of the names. Do you need such freedom in using Russian patronymics? Rather, in their system non-use? Now everything is changing, so maybe it's worth calling the Russian person something else? According to the Western standard, without patronymics? Don't rush it. First, it would be nice to get acquainted with the history of patronymics in Russia, remember what a patronymic is, what it served for. Ancient Russian sources did not distinguish between the meaning of independent modern lexemes patronymic and fatherland. Written monuments have witnessed various phonetic variants since the XI century: patronymic, patronymic, patronymic, fatherland. The meanings were also different, for example, "homeland, fatherland"; "hereditary and ancestral rights"; "origin, birth"; "state of the father, paternity"; "paternal honor, dignity"; "properties of the father", "title of confessor", "chosen country", "ancestral possession inherited from ancestors". The meaning of " naming by father "is not mentioned in the Materials for the Dictionary of the Old Russian Language by I. I. Sreznevsky or in the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI - XVII centuries until the XVII century. For the first time it appears in the act texts of the first third of the XVII century: "And after that he said: " and the tsar, the sovereign", but he did not call all of Russia and the Fatherland by the name of his sovereign, tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich " (Acts of the Moscow state. 1623). It should be pointed out that ... Read more

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From the history of the term patronymic

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