Differences between economically developed and developing countries remain one of the most acute problems in uniting the efforts of the world community to counteract global environmental pollution and climate warming. These differences were one of the main reasons for the more than modest results of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. A significant number of developing countries insisted on maintaining the Kyoto Protocol, which ends in 2012 and does not impose restrictions on their greenhouse emissions, and also demanded significant assistance from developed countries in implementing environmentally friendly and energy-saving technologies. Developing countries themselves suffer the most from environmental pollution. At the same time, they need rapid economic growth and a better standard of living for their populations. The most difficult situation that such a large and powerful economy as India, which is one of the main "polluters", has fallen into in this regard, is described in the article by A. Annaev. Key words: India, ecology, sustainable development A. ANNAEV Post-graduate student of the Russian State Social University India's economy is growing rapidly despite the global economic crisis. The growth of production, purchasing power of the population and consumption, along with positive changes, creates serious environmental and social problems. One of them is the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere by Indian enterprises, contributing to environmental pollution and global warming. Climate change was one of the main issues that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised during her visit to India in July 2009, which irritated some members of the Indian elite. Washington is probably trying to show the world its commitment to sustainable development, i.e. economic growth while preserving the environment and natural resources for future generations. But this drive will seem like a reason to put pressure on dev ... Read more

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