HOW CHINESE UNIVERSITIES USE FOREIGN TEACHERS Key words: China, private and public universities I. V. SMERDOV PhD (Philosophy) Chinese private educational institutions been in the process developing and initially gaining credibility since the first private university in the new China in 1982.1 Most private colleges have opened in the last 10 to 15 years and are gradually being developed. The rules for private and public colleges hiring foreign teachers are the same, as the requirements state and provincial ministries education are unified across China. But the differences in details are sometimes so significant that we can talk about a complete gap in the principles of teaching and organizing academic practices in private and public universities. This article will focus on two universities - Jiayin State University in Meizhou, more precisely, its Faculty of Foreign Languages, and Xingjian College (Nanning), a private university associated with the leading provincial university of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (southwest China). Externally, the goals and objectives of both universities are the same: a standard, commercially profitable educational project is being implemented-teaching a foreign language, culture of English-speaking countries, information technologies, etc. Jiayin University (existing since 1913.2) has been at the forefront of university positioning in advertising for domestic consumers (Chinese students and their parents, since, as a rule, it is the latter who pay for tuition) its statehood, standardization, and traditions are emerging. In a private college that is "particularly close" to a leading university, a completely different factor comes to the fore, more professional and, to some extent, commercial. Xingjian College is located on the campus of Guangxi University (a key university in the province of the same name), and most subjects are taught by foreigners in English. As a result, commercial factors begin to dominate the learning proce ... Read more

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