China Days were held for the first time on April 11-12, 2006 at the Faculty of World Economy of the State University - Higher School of Economics (HSE). The Faculty of World Economy has been part of the Higher School of Economics since 2002.The faculty's curriculum includes studying at least two foreign languages, as well as an in-depth specialization in the economy of one of the world's countries. About 50 students of the faculty are currently studying Chinese. At the opening ceremony of the Days of China on April 11, 2006, Dean of the Faculty I. P. Faminsky and Minister Plenipotentiary - Adviser for Education of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation Pei Yufan addressed the gathered students, staff and guests with greetings. Russian and Chinese students from Moscow universities took part in the amateur concert that followed. The business section of the Days of China included presentations by Russian companies that actively cooperate with their Chinese partners. The General Director of the Russian-Chinese Communication Agency made reports on the activities of their companies "" S. V. Smirnov and Commercial Director of the Ochakovo Transport Company (distributor of Chinese Greatwall and Brilliance Auto cars on the Russian market) V. V. Okunev. The final event of the China Days was a round table of experts on the topic "China in the modern world economy". In his opening remarks, the moderator of the round table, P. M. Mozias (HSE), outlined the key issues for discussion. According to P. M. Mozias, the quantitative parameters of China's achieved involvement in the world economic processes look very impressive. Since China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's foreign trade turnover has almost tripled: from $ 509.8 billion in 2001 to $ 1,422. 1 billion in 2005. According to this indicator, China ranked third in the world, second only to the United States and Germany. Since 1993, China has been the leader ... Read more

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