At the origins of television
At least half a century has passed since the Soviet people for the most part "mastered" regular TV shows. Today, our life without a TV is simply unthinkable. The idea of transmitting images (or, as they sometimes say, "visual information") over a distance has long excited the minds of scientists, engineers, and even writers. The poet V. Bryusov, for example, has the lines:"...talking to our friends, we activated our home telekinema and were happy to see the faces of those we were talking to, or sometimes we admired the ballet in the same device " (Bryusov V. Ya. Vosstanie mashin (1908) / / Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Moscow, 1976, vol. 85; italics nash. - A. Sh.). The device named by the author is something like our videophone or VCR. One of the first people in Russia to have a real idea of image transmission was an electrical engineer named P. I. Bakhmetyev. In the mid-1880s, he proposed his own apparatus, the telephotograph, "which could serve for our eyes what the telephone does for the ear" (Electricity. 1885. N 1). The model of this device is considered to be the prototype of modern television. The term television itself appeared in Russian a hundred years ago. At the International Electrotechnical Congress in Paris (August 1900), Captain K. D. Persky, an electrical engineer, read a paper entitled "Television with electricity". The new word was formed by him according to the model that already existed in the language: telescope (long-range vision), telegraph (long-range writing), telephone (long-distance learning), i.e. the transmission of "sight", text, sound at a distance (tele - Greek. "far, far away"). A science fiction writer at the end of the XIX century even came up with a TV newspaper. page 113 So, the hero of one of his novels is afraid to catch "the key of the morning and evening phonographic TV newspaper" (Robida A. The twentieth century. Electric life. St. Petersburg, 1894. The image of the newspaper is on page 57). The adjective telegazetny relatively ... Read more

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At the origins of television

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