"Russia was drowning all around ..." About the evangelical parallel in V. V. Mayakovsky's poem"Good!"
Artists of all eras have turned to biblical images and situations as a means of expressing enduring universal principles. In Russian literature, the texts of the Holy Scriptures were used by Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov and other writers. Mayakovsky also turned to evangelical subjects and images throughout his work. So, for example, his early poem " Man "is entirely based on the analogy of the main character - the lyrical" I " of the poet - with Jesus Christ. In this article, we will try to substantiate one parallel that sheds additional light on the image of Blok in Mayakovsky's poem " Good!". A famous Gospel parable tells how the disciples, while sailing in a boat on the Sea of Galilee, saw Christ walking on the waters. The Savior told Peter to go to Him. He went on the water, but, being afraid of the storm and wind, began to sink. Then Jesus supported him and said, " You of little faith! Why did you doubt? " (Matthew 14: 22-31). According to Eckermann, Goethe considered this gospel narrative deeply true and precious. "This is one of the most beautiful legends," Goethe told me, " and I love it the most. It expresses the lofty teaching that a person by faith and presence of mind wins even in the most difficult enterprises, but if he succumbs to an insignificant doubt, and he perishes " (Eckerman I. P. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life. M.-L., 1934, p. 547). page 7 The image of the evangelical Peter appears in Mayakovsky's description of the events of the October Revolution in the poem "Good!". The fate of the Block is understood here through the eternal meaning of the gospel narrative. Noting Blok's inner turmoil, his two "feelings of revolution": "good" and "the library was burned", Mayakovsky seems to liken him to doubting, drowning Peter: I was drowning all around Blok's Russia ...stared at Blok -And Blok's shadowGawking, standing up on the wall...as if both are waitingfor the walking Christ on the water.Doubting Peter was drowning, ... Read more

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"Russia was drowning all around ..." About the evangelical parallel in V. V. Mayakovsky's poem"Good!"

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