LIBERAL REFORMS IN THE ECONOMY BRING IMPRESSIVE RESULTS Since the beginning of the 1990s, having given up hopes of achieving success, "following the socialist path", Vietnam turned its eyes to the West Years of reforms aimed at liberalizing the market economy, policies to encourage foreign investment have done their job: the Vietnamese "economic miracle" has gradually begun to take real shape. However, although Vietnam has made significant progress in modernizing and industrializing the country in recent years, there are still many challenges, primarily of an economic nature. The country has come out of a critical situation with honor - after famine and a card system for distributing food and essential goods at the beginning of the past decade, Vietnam has not only fully coped with food shortages and saturated the industrial market, but also entered the top three world rice exporters. In 2000, the country's gross domestic product grew by more than six percent. The main reason for the success of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is the comprehensive reform of the national economy, which began in 1986, almost simultaneously with perestroika in the USSR, and became an urgent necessity after the fall in Soviet economic aid at the turn of the 90s. The reform is based on encouraging private production while maintaining state control over large-scale industry, curbing inflation, actively attracting foreign investment, and integrating the country into the global economy. Transformations in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam were complicated by the upheavals of the collapse of the system of world socialism, the regional financial and economic crisis, as well as severe annual natural disasters. During the 15 years of implementation of the renewal strategy (1986-2000) developed by the Communist Party of Vietnam at the VI Congress (December 1986), during the 10 years of implementation of the socio - economic development program (1991-2000) and the implementation of the last five ... Read more

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