Your health! (Features of Russian speech etiquette)
In Russian, there are two homonymous formulas of speech etiquette: your health is a short toast and your health is an outdated address. Formula your (your) health! - "a brief toast, wishing well-being to the addressee before drinking wine" - is included in a number of numerous synonymous stable expressions (with their variants) and goes back to the toast formula For your (your) health!, which, in turn, goes back to the speech phrases I Drink (I want to drink. I propose to drink) to your (your) health. Allow me to propose a toast to your health (to the health of N., NN). In this row page 86 there is the closest - already outdated - toast formula available: Health N! (someone present or absent). "Let me offer you my toast," Kalinovich said, getting up and pouring champagne again. - Health of one of the best connoisseurs of Russian literature and my first literary patron! he continued, holding out his glass to Pyotr Mihalitch, and they clinked glasses. - Health to my little friend! Kalinovich turned to Nastenka and kissed her hand. He often jokingly called Nastenka his little friend in front of everyone. - Health to the brave captain! "And yours!" he added, bowing to Flegont Mihalitch, "and yours!" he said to Pelageya Evgrafovna, "Hurrah!" concluded Pyotr Mihalitch. Everyone drank" (A. Pisemsky. A thousand souls); "[Elizabeth:] Everything will go well! After all, everything is very simple! Very simple, Vasya... [Doshaev:] My good girl! Your health. [Peacock:] For many summers! [The bearded man (coming):] Have a drink?" (M. Gorky. Doshaev and others); "[Kudimov (pours champagne for everyone):] With your permission-to you, for our acquaintance. (Everyone stands up.) [Busygin: Cheers, Dad. [Kudimov:] Your health. [Silva:] Your health. [Sarafanov:] Thank you, thank you. But I have a different toast, friends... " (A. Vampilov. The eldest son). The regular use of the health component in toast formulas led in the 19th century even to the expansion of the semantics of the noun ... Read more

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Your health! (Features of Russian speech etiquette)

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