The paronyms vodny and vodoi have existed in the Russian language for three centuries (for the first time they were mentioned in the Lexicon of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Polikarpova in 1704) - The adjective watery received a "lexicographic registration" somewhat later - in the Lexicon of 1762.
Let's start with the adjective water. IAU and BAS-2 give only one common meaning of this word: "Related to water, related to it". However, BAS-2 gives three more shades of this value. Unfortunately, in the Dictionary of Ozhegov-Shvedova, in the "Big Explanatory Dictionary" by S. A. Kuznetsov and in the "Russian Explanatory Dictionary" by V. V. and L. E. Lopatin, this adjective is included in the word-forming nest of the title word Water without interpretation. It seems more appropriate to distinguish the following two meanings of this word:
1. Related to water, related to it.
2. Related to the use of water and reservoirs (natural and artificial).
The circle of nouns that combine with this adjective in the first meaning includes the following words: surface, element, barrier, environment, jet, smooth surface, stream, expanse, corridor, boundary, space, etc. Together with the adjective and the corresponding verbs, they form, in particular, such verb-nominal phrases: to fight the water element; to overcome a water barrier, a water boundary; to look around the water expanse, a water surface; to glide on the water surface; to live in an aquatic environment, etc.
In the second sense, the paronym under consideration forms the following noun phrases with nouns: water solution, water emulsion, water energy, water procedures, water stadium, water base, water sports, water path, water polo, water skiing, water bike, water reserves, water resources, water regime (soil, plants), water balance, water deficit, water cadastre, waterway, water transport, water main, water legislation, etc. In turn, these nominal phrases can be included in such verb-nominal phrases as: prepare an aqueou ...
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