Vietnam-China relations and South China Sea issues
Vietnam-China relations and South China Sea issues1 The article by a prominent Vietnamese political scientist, a specialist in Vietnam-China relations, is devoted to the sensitive and acute problem of Vietnam-China differences in the South China Sea. According to the author, the problem of the South China Sea is not only the" most sensitive " in relations between Vietnam and China, but also the "hottest point" in terms of regional security in Southeast Asia, and its solution is related to the peaceful development conditions in the region and world peace. Keywords: South China (East) Sea, Vietnam-China relations, crisis, territorial waters, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf. A study of Vietnam-China relations after their normalization (from 1991 to the present day) shows that there are five main problems that differ in nature, but have an unfavorable trend in terms of the development of these relations: - first, political trust between the two parties and states is constantly declining; - Secondly, Vietnam's trade deficit is constantly growing; - Third, Chinese investment in Vietnam has many consequences that hinder its development; - Fourth, China's "soft power" has an impact on all aspects of life, society and culture in Vietnam; - fifth, historically inherited problems of territorial borders, and the main one - the problem of the South China Sea - are increasingly plunging relations between the two countries into a state of crisis. The changing situation in recent years shows that of these five problems, the primary cause and main factor causing tension in relations between Vietnam and China is their conflict in the South China Sea. South China Sea in China's plans: step up actions to assert its sovereignty As new successes were achieved, China moved step by step into East Asia, relying on a well-thought-out, large-scale strategy. In almost 40 years of openness and reform, it has achieved many successes that have become an important basis for its entry in ... Read more

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