MEMBERSHIP IN A REPUTABLE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION HELPS VIETNAM DEVELOP MORE SUCCESSFULLY AND FASTER This year marks the 14th anniversary of the entry of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (SE)-ASEAN. The date is not round, but it is possible to sum up some results of Vietnam's participation in the activities of this international organization. Although ASEAN has been in existence for more than four decades, its organizational formalization has only recently been completed. It was only at the 13th ASEAN Summit in Singapore in November 2007 that integration-primarily economic integration - was identified as the main task of the organization's member countries. At the same meeting, the leaders of the ASEAN member States signed the text of the organization's Charter, which, after its final approval at the next summit in Thailand, was to become the basis for the practical implementation of the principles of interstate economic integration. The Summit in Thailand was scheduled for December 2008, but was postponed indefinitely due to the political crisis in the country. Singapore also adopted a project to create an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. It is clear that the success of such an ambitious regional project depends on the potential and real contribution of each of the member countries of the Association, which should be able to operate with regional categories no less, if not more, than national ones. This, in fact, is the whole point of the institution that we call regionalism. VIETNAM AS NATURAL PARTICIPANT REGIONAL INTEGRATION Vietnam has always played a prominent role in regional integration. Historically, all the processes that took place in Southeast Asia affected Vietnam as part of the region. However, since its establishment in 1967, ASEAN has also been strongly influenced by the Vietnamese factor. In Indochina, Vietnam has traditionally been the leading center-forming force. Vietnam's very accession t ... Read more

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