Postage stamps of modern Vietnam reflect the glorious history of the Vietnamese people, tell about the long-term struggle against colonialists, about the dynamic development of the economy and culture. The new independent state-the Democratic Republic of Vietnam-was born on September 2, 1945. In 1946, in honor of the first anniversary of this event, a commemorative series of five stamps was issued with the image of DRW President Ho Chi Minh. This series opens the philatelic chronicle of the country. However, due to the difficult conditions in which the republic was in the first years of its existence, as well as due to the outbreak of war with the French colonialists, it was difficult to establish the production of postage stamps. Therefore, for quite a long time, stocks of old stamps of French Indochina were used, on which "Democratic Republic of Vietnam"was overprinted in Vietnamese. The first DRV brands were manufactured on heavily worn machines, so a lot of printing defects were allowed. Vietnamese stamps are usually printed on plain paper, without watermarks, and are not covered with glue due to the tropical climate. Since 1957, the post office of the DRV organizes commemorative cancellations, issues envelopes of the first day, although it does this on an irregular basis. In June 1976, it was decided to reunify the country and rename it the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV). In the same year, the first stamp of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was issued with the image of a map of the united Vietnam with a face value of 12 sous. Vietnam's postal miniatures reflect the heroic pages of the country's history. Many stamps are dedicated to Ho Chi Minh, heroes of the Wars of independence. Stamps with portraits of Karl Marx, F. Engels, and V. I. Lenin were issued. The fortieth anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia is marked by three stamps (100, 500 and 1000 VND), which, in particular, depict the meeting of K. E. Voroshilov with Ho Chi Minh. A number of s ... Read more

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