G. F. MURASHEVA Doctor of Historical Sciences The results of more than two dozen market reforms in Vietnam and their impact on many aspects of the development of Vietnamese society were summed up in a collection of scientists, prominent politicians and statesmen who defined the strategy for Vietnam's renewal (Viet Nam sou 20 nam doi moi(Vietnam after 20 years of renewal). Thezoi, Ha Noi, 2008, 364 p.). Many of them still hold important government positions, so the reader will be able to find first-hand assessments of the ways, methods and goals of reform in Vietnam. Among the authors are a member of the Politburo of the CPV Central Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Doctor of Political Science Nguyen Phu Trong, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Zi Nien, current ministers and diplomats, scientists, etc. The Doj Moi's policy of "renewal" was officially adopted by the VI Congress of the Communist Party in 1986. In 1996, as part of the development of the concept of renewal of Vietnam, the country adopted a policy of industrialization and modernization based on the development of a multi-structured commodity economy using market mechanisms and maintaining a socialist orientation. The main goal of this project is to transform Vietnam into an industrially developed country with a modern material and technical base, a rational economic structure, modern industrial relations that correspond to the level of development of the productive forces, and a high level of material and spiritual life. Vietnamese leaders see a major role in this process as the gradual development of the "knowledge economy", which should help reduce the time of industrialization and modernization through the use of high technologies, such as information technology, the use of new materials, etc. According to the plan of the Vietnamese reformers, the renewal of the economy, the construction of a multi-layered eco ... Read more

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