The Foreseen and Unforeseen in M. Y. Lermontov's novel "Hero of Our Time"
Lermontov's novel is built as a collection of short stories, on behalf of the narrator, Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin and Kazbich (the episode with Karagez as an insert novella in the first story "Bela"). In all the stories, the narrators not only observe everything that happens, but also participate in the events, i.e. the speaker, the observer and the character are united in one person. From story to story, storytellers change, encountering either an unforeseen development of events, or something that has long been expected, but is not immediately realized. In the text of Lermontov's novel, these situations are connected with the use of adverbs suddenly and finally. We will be interested in the first meanings of the words suddenly (unexpectedly, suddenly) and finally (after everything, finally). They form a peculiar pair. The use of adverbs is suddenly and finally connected with the speaker's perception of events. If it makes assumptions about what should happen, but it doesn't, then use nare- page 10 when the course of events changes abruptly and goes along an unforeseen channel, a synonym for the word suddenly - unexpectedly appears. The appearance of an adverb suddenly in speech also indicates the narrator's reaction to what is happening. The unexpected surprises you. The use of the adverb finally is also associated with the fact that the narrator builds hypotheses about the development of events, but in this case his assumptions are justified with a delay in time. This is directly indicated by the interpretation in the Dictionary of V. I. Dahl - after a long wait. For which of the characters do events develop in unexpected ways? In the story "Bela" it is primarily Maxim Maksimych. The narrator's reaction to the story he heard from Maxim Maksimych as something unexpected, marked with the word suddenly, occurs only once: "In fact, I expected a tragic denouement, and suddenly so unexpectedly to deceive my hopes! ..." (Quoted in: Lermontov M. Yu. Sobr. soch.: In 4 vol ... Read more

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The Foreseen and Unforeseen in M. Y. Lermontov's novel "Hero of Our Time"

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