Keywords: Africa, trade unions, "Arab spring", protest movements The beginning of a new, modern stage in the development of the trade union movement in Africa was marked by the events of the "Arab Spring", which began in December 2010 in Tunisia and later spread to other African countries. The analysis of the driving forces of new protest movements and the role of trade unions on the continent was devoted to a round table on the topic "The role and place of trade unions in the modern socio-political life of African countries", held at the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences in November 2014 under the chairmanship of Candidate of Historical Sciences O. B. Gromova. The reports were devoted both to issues common to the entire continent in the development of the trade union movement, and to situations that have developed in individual countries and regions. The general continental theme was raised, in particular, in the speech of Candidate of Historical Sciences O. B. Gromova. In her report "The role of trade unions in the current stage of development in African countries", she noted the general recognition of the great contribution of professional associations to the struggle of the continent's peoples for political independence. Currently, in the new historical conditions marked by important geopolitical changes in the international arena, the globalization of world processes, and qualitative structural changes in all spheres of life, African trade unions are experiencing the impact of these factors, while facing many problems. Among them are relations with the ruling party and the government, difficulties in defending the socio-economic demands of workers in the context of neoliberal economic policies. O. B. Gromova's report paid considerable attention to the interaction and cooperation of trade unions with civil society organizations, issues of achieving trade union unity at the national and regional levels in the context of internationalization o ... Read more

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