On July 20, 2008, Professor Vsevolod Yakovlevich Arkhipov, Doctor of Economics, Chief Researcher of the Department of South Pacific Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, turned 80 years old. He is widely known in our country and abroad for his research on the economy and foreign economic relations of the countries of Southeast Asia and Australia.
V. Y. Arkhipov was born in 1928 in Rostov-on-Don. In 1946, he entered the Institute of Foreign Trade (Faculty of Commerce) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and graduated in 1951. He worked as a research assistant in the International Book Department of the same Ministry (1951-1952). In 1952, he entered the Graduate School of Economics at Moscow State University, where he graduated in January 1956 with a PhD thesis on " The economic expansion of the United States in China after World War II (1945-1949)." In 1956-1961, V. Y. Arkhipov was a senior researcher at the National Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR. Since 1961, V. Y. Arkhipov has been working as a senior, leading, and then chief researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1970, he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic " Problems of economic development in Indonesia during the years of independence (1945-1968)". In 1983. Vsevolod Yakovlevich was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1980-1981, he headed a project of the United Nations Institute for Science and Training (UNITAR). Scientific trips abroad allowed V. Y. Arkhipov to significantly expand his research base. He worked in China (1950-1951). 1985-1986), Indonesia as a special NIKI professor (1964-1965), Singapore (1973), and in 1973 - 1975 he taught at the University of the Philippines in Manila, where he was invited by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. During 1971-2000 (with interruptions) V. Y. Arkhipov worked in Australia at various univ ...
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