Stanislav Robert Kucera, one of the most prominent experts in Chinese history, Chief Researcher of the China Department of the Institute of Historical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, was born on May 5, 1928 in Lviv, Poland. In 1947, after graduating from the lyceum, he entered the Institute of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw (Instytut Orientalistyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego), from which he graduated in 1952, having defended the work "Fundamentals of Taoist Philosophy" under the guidance of a major Polish orientalist Witold Jabloriski and received a master's degree in Philosophy in the field of Oriental studies. From 1951 to early 1953, he worked as an assistant at the University of Warsaw.
In February 1953, S. Kucher was sent to China for postgraduate studies at Peking University, where in 1960, being the only one among foreign students, he defended his thesis under the guidance of a corresponding member. AN of the People's Republic of China Zhang Zhenglang wrote a dissertation in Chinese on the topic " The class structure of ancient Chinese society based on the materials of "Zhou Li"", and the defense aroused great interest of Chinese scientists. From March 1958 to October 1959, he worked as a teacher, then head of the Department of Polish Language and Culture at the Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages.
Returning to Warsaw in December 1960, S. Kucera was for some time a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Higher Education of Poland, and from April 1961 he worked at the Polish Institute of International Relations (Polski Instytut Spraw Miedzynarodowych) as an adjunct.
In August 1966, after moving to Moscow, since April 1967, at the invitation of Academician N. I. Konrad, he has been working as a researcher at the Institute of Asian Peoples of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later - the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences). In 1981, he defended his doctoral dissertati ...
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