On October 9, 2010, Doctor of Historical Sciences L. S. Vasiliev turned 80 years old.
L. S. Vasiliev graduated from the History Department of Moscow State University in 1953 and entered graduate school. In 1958 he became a Candidate of Historical Sciences, and in 1974 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Some problems of the ancient history of China (The genesis of civilization in the Yellow River - the formation of the foundations of material culture and ethnos". L. S. Vasiliev-Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor.
The range of scientific interests of L. S. Vasiliev is very wide, and the degree of study of the subject is extremely deep. The works of L. S. Vasiliev are distinguished by a new original approach to the subject of research, an independent vision of the material and a creative in-depth analysis. The multiplicity of innovative assessments, compositions, and approaches to the most significant strata of Chinese history and culture is striking. His work on the cults, religions, and traditions of the Middle State provides a serious analysis. The hero of the day made a significant contribution to the study of the problems of the genesis of Chinese civilization. He shows the formation of the foundations of material culture and the Han ethnic group. L. S. Vasiliev made a significant contribution to the study of the genesis of Chinese thought. In his works, the formation of the foundations of the worldview and mentality of traditional China is analyzed. L. S. Vasiliev paid much attention to the study of the genesis of Chinese statehood, the formation of the foundations of the social structure and political system of ancient and traditional China. The culmination of the scientist's creative activity was a major three-volume work on the history of ancient China. The scale and depth of this study allow us to put it on a par with the leading domestic and foreign sinologists.
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