Over the past year, the world's leading powers have been overwhelmed by the so-called wave of conservatism. In the United States, people like Donald Trump, who is known for his radical right-wing views, are gaining strength for the upcoming November 2016 elections. In France, the party of Marine Le Pen is making some progress. In May 2015, the British Conservatives won an unprecedented victory in the general election. The East is also not far behind the West, in particular Japan, where the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are confidently succeeding in promoting conservative values. But, of course, Japanese conservatism, like everything Japanese, in principle, has its own shades and unique touches, which are considered and shown in the monograph "Japan: a Conservative Turn "(Moscow, AIRO-XXI, 2015. 280 p.), prepared by a group of leading Russian Japanese scholars under the leadership of the Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences E. V. Molodyakova. Japanese conservatism, like any other phenomenon, has its roots. It is no coincidence that the monograph opens with the chapter "The Faces of Japanese Conservatism: Past and Present", written by V. E. Molodyakov, Doctor of Political Science (pp. 49-64). In it, the author examines not only the origins and origins of conservatism in the usual sense in Japan, but also gives readers an idea of its disparity, various conservative trends and trends in Japanese power circles, the establishment and society. V. E. Molodyakov shows the facets of Japanese conservatism from the " romance of national nostalgia "(p.53) to" radical nationalism " (p. 62), a phenomenon that has remained in history and is now not widely used. The author examines in detail the origin and evolution of" liberal conservatism " in Meiji Japan, which is important for understanding the current situation of conservatives: it is not for nothing that the main c ... Read more

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