Yu. N. ZININ, Candidate of Historical Sciences It will be an " Arabic newspaper with a Russian soul, "as the agency's editor - in-chief Svetlana Mironyuk called the new product of RIA Novosti, the newspaper Moskovskiye Novosti in Arabic-Anba Mosku. She performed at the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery in Moscow, where in November 2009 the first issue of the publication, renewed by the agency after a 17-year hiatus, was presented. This newspaper was born in 1969, back in the Soviet era. Today's Anba Mosku has inherited its name, format, and a number of external attributes from its predecessor. But otherwise, it is the newspaper of new Russia both in terms of content and technological execution. The newspaper, according to its publishers, will strive to ensure that on its pages the Arab reader can find a variety of interesting information about Russia. "Anba Mosku" will present a panorama of the life of today's Russia in various spheres: politics, economy, culture, science, sports, etc. without notes or any varnishing for propaganda purposes. One of the most important tasks of the newspaper will be to bring Moscow's point of view on current international issues, primarily Middle Eastern issues, to readers, the public, official structures and political elites in the Arab world. The publishers said that the journalists of Anba Moscow intend to page 46 search for and reveal such vital topics that would be interesting or really exciting for both Russian citizens and Arabs. RIA Novosti editor-in-chief S. Mironyuk emphasized that thanks to this newspaper, Russians and Arabs really hear and understand each other better, so that its pages do not contain a monologue, but a dialogue between them. The editorial staff will also contribute to this. The editor - in-chief of Anba Moscow is a well-known Arab journalist, Raed Jaber. Although not all, but most of the editorial staff's journalists are from the Arab world. So their skill and experience will help to adapt the materials to the ... Read more

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